O DESAFIO DA PROMOÇÃO DA APRENDIZAGEM SIGNIFICATIVA da disciplina Projeto Integrador em tempos de Pandemia


  • Adriano Santos Araújo UNIJORGE
  • Juliana Freitas Guedes Rêgo UNIJORGE


Integrator Project, Meaningful Learning, Pedagogical Practice, Higher Education, Technology in Logistics


This article aims to show the challenge of promoting meaning- ful learning in the Integrator Project discipline in times of pandemic in the Logistics Technology Course at Centro Universitário Jorge Amado. The methodology used is a case study in the 4th semester class, in the period 2020.2. The importance of dealing with this topic is evidenced by the understanding that both the teacher and the student are part of the learning context, configuring a bilateral experience. Furthermore, meaningful learning seeks to unite theory and reality as a pedagogical practice.


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Author Biographies

Adriano Santos Araújo, UNIJORGE

Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional e Urbano – UNIFACS. Professor da UNIJORGE.

Juliana Freitas Guedes Rêgo, UNIJORGE

Doutora em Economia – UFBA – Professora da UNIJORGE.


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How to Cite

ARAÚJO, A. S.; RÊGO, J. F. G. O DESAFIO DA PROMOÇÃO DA APRENDIZAGEM SIGNIFICATIVA da disciplina Projeto Integrador em tempos de Pandemia. Revista Olhares, Salvador, Brasil, v. 1, n. 10, p. 63–69, 2020. Disponível em: https://publicacoes.unijorge.com.br/revistaolhares/article/view/78. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


