ESPAÇOS URBANOS na literatura baiana contemporânea


  • Milena Guimarães Andrade Tanure UNIJORGE


Urban space, Bahian literature, memory


Literary criticism has demarcated the way in which the literary text has been used to try to recover what was lost, having the power to confer recognition and a feeling of stability and belonging, which is why memorialistic representations have gained importan- ce. With this in mind, this article proposes to think about contemporary Brazilian literary production from a regional perspective, the State of Bahia and, more specifically, the images of the city of Salvador that are represented by it. When representing physical spaces, memory spaces are constituted that signify not by their own existence, but by the human relationships that are held in them and the experiences that leave marks in the city itself and in memory. Thus, the intent is to analyze the way in which, based on representa- tions of urban space, the Bahian literary text is able to engender the reading of subjective and collective memories. Departing from the concept of memory, considerations are developed in order to inventory this memorial map based on the characters' memories in a city in Salvador today and a given past. As a delimitation of the corpus, we will compare the literary productions of writers Carlos Ribeiro and Fábio Mandingo in order to highlight the way in which both project a given image of the city of Salvador, from very well demarcated spaces, and intertwine through the threads of memory that they show not only spatialities, but the experiences that give shape and color to the streets, corners and alleys that are staged in the narratives. Therefore, the considerations presented here develop from the intersection of readings of literary texts, but also historical and sociological ones, such as Lejeune (2008), Gagnebin (1997), Arfuch (2010) and Halbwachs (1990), Pesavento (1999) ), Duarte (1989) and Gomes (1999). From such readings, it is possible to think of categories such as memory, urban space and collective memory in order to identify the way in which the literary narrative is able to allow the establishment of the relationship between subjective and collective memories from the representation of urban space.


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Author Biography

Milena Guimarães Andrade Tanure, UNIJORGE

Doutor em Literatura e Cultura. Professor dos Cursos de Letras e Cinema – UNIJORGE e do Departamento de Letras e Artes – UEFS.


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How to Cite

TANURE, M. G. A. ESPAÇOS URBANOS na literatura baiana contemporânea. Revista Olhares, Salvador, Brasil, v. 1, n. 10, p. 87–97, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


