
  • Paulo Alcântara Filho UFBA


sound, soundtrack, listening, cinema, audiovisual


This essay is part of a doctoral research on sonic tissue in audiovisuals. Here, we intend to carry out a brief historical approach to the use of technical means of sound production and reproduction as well as their application in the development of an audiovisual sonic narrative. We will also bring a survey on morphological aspects from the deconstruction of the musical soundtrack using Derridean deconstruction method and Barthes' structural analysis, and then identify the sonic ensemble that forms the sonic tissue of the audiovisual work. This survey on morphological aspects will be accompanied by an examination of the role of listening as a research object from the perspectives of phenomenology and the concepts of sound object (Schaeffer) and sound event (Schafer).


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Author Biography

Paulo Alcântara Filho, UFBA

Doutorando em cultura e sociedade pelo programa de pós-graduação multidisciplinar (IHAC/UFBA), produtor, diretor e fotógrafo audiovisual, professor no Centro Universitário Jorge Amado (Unijorge).


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How to Cite

ALCÂNTARA FILHO, P. A DESCONSTRUÇÃO SONORA E O TECIDO SÔNICO NO AUDIOVISUAL. Revista Olhares, Salvador, Brasil, v. 1, n. 12, p. 159–168, 2022. Disponível em: https://publicacoes.unijorge.com.br/revistaolhares/article/view/64. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


