
um sentimento e uma lembrança


  • Milena Guimarães Andrade Tanure UFBA


Itapuã, Carlos Ribeiro, Memoirs, Representation


This article has as its object Carlos Ribeiro’s literary production and it aims to analyze, from the representations of urban space, how this writer from Bahia is capable of engendering the reading of subjective and collective memories. Thus, it is analyzed the neighborhood of Itapuã, that is represented and is an image that appears repeatedly in Ribeiro's literary productions in which the city of Salvador is present. The representations that are projected in the narratives recover the memories of experiences in that old urban space and the very history of the formation and modification of the neighborhood. Therefore, the analysis performed here aims to think of the Itapuã neighborhood presented in Ribeiro's text as a writing of memories that protects the bucolic aspect of the landscape of another era, as well as the cultural manifestations, social practices,and the residents who made themselves remarkable in its domain, as well as the modernization processes that altered the old Edenic space.


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Author Biography

Milena Guimarães Andrade Tanure, UFBA

Mestre em Teoria Literária e doutoranda em Teoria Literária – UFBA.


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How to Cite

TANURE, M. G. A. Itapuã: um sentimento e uma lembrança. Revista Olhares, Salvador, Brasil, v. 1, n. 8, p. 43–55, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


