
  • Rita Márcia Amparo Macedo IFBAIANO
  • Luis Vitor Castro Júnior Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana




Carybé, número sete, sete portas


Carybé's work flourished on Bahia soil with a cultural potential that enabled the artist to identify with the city, its people and its gestures. In his art, he reveals the magic and charms of Bahia. The book The Seven Doors of Bahia offers a sample of the perspective and creative potential of the artist in question, who writes a part of the history of Brazil and Bahia, in particular. In this work, a theoretical-methodological model of qualitative nature is adopted that has particular characteristics. We aim to identify which cultural contexts are related to number seven in Cary'be's work; to analyze the work The Seven Doors of Bahia, as regards the founding of the city of Salvador, the representation and magic that involves the number seven, in order to arrive at an understanding of its creative dynamics. It is important to investigate how Carybé's imaginative process allows him to apprehend with his freedom of creation to represent a reflection on the number seven and a whole process of elaboration that involves the key to the opening of his images treated in the drawings that win life through representation, culture. With this vast possibility of communication, this is the role that semiotics plays as a methodology for a better understanding of the world and of reality.


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Author Biographies

Rita Márcia Amparo Macedo, IFBAIANO

Mestre em Desenho, Cultura e Interatividade UEFS. Professora do IFBAIANO, Campus Alagoinhas, ritamparo@yahoo.com.br.

Luis Vitor Castro Júnior, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

The professor is a full professor at the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS/DSAU), where he teaches courses in Physical Education, such as Studies of Cultural Manifestations and Methodology of Capoeira Teaching. He coordinates the Research and Extension Group Body Arts: Memory, Image, and Imaginary. His expertise lies in the field of Physical Education, focusing on History, Body, and Art, addressing topics such as body, capoeira, celebration, culture, photography, and cinema. Additionally, he is a professor in the History Master's program at UEFS. He holds a degree in Physical Education, a master's degree in Art and Education, a Ph.D. in History, and a postdoctoral degree in History. He won the Brazil Prize for Sports and Leisure for Social Inclusion in 2009 and is the author of books such as "Fields of Visibility of Bahian Capoeira", "Photographic Crossroads of Marcel Gautherot", and organizer of the book "Celebration and Body: artistic and cultural expressions in Bahian popular celebrations".


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How to Cite

AMPARO MACEDO, R. M.; CASTRO JÚNIOR, L. V. A QUESTÃO DO NÚMERO SETE NA OBRA: “AS SETE PORTAS DA BAHIA” DE CARYBÉ. Revista Olhares, Salvador, Brasil, v. 1, n. 13, p. 106–113, 2024. DOI: 10.63052/revistaolhares.v1i13.112. Disponível em: https://publicacoes.unijorge.com.br/revistaolhares/article/view/112. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.