O impacto do tempo na tomada decisão de alunos
Impact of Time, Data Analysis, Machine LearningAbstract
The article clashes different models of machine learning in the analysis of data from students who showed interest in dropping out of their graduation course due to the impact of time in making their decisions about their academic future. Firstly, a theoretical foundation on the types of machine learning will be presented and then the different models used in the research, which include the decision tree, random forest and neural network. Finally, the results will be exposed to explain the choice of method used to more effectively determine the external and internal factors that contribute to dropout as the student progresses through their semesters.This work aims to carry out an analysis of the educational data made available by data mining in the master's degree in Administration Advisory at ISCAP in Porto - PT and the internal dataset of the Universidade Jorge Amado (UNIJORGE), in order to prove he assertiveness of the course time variable in the forecast dropout rates in graduation.
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